As the producers of The Checker inspection checklists, we’re extremely excited about the potential for mobile technology to improve inspection processes.

In the not-too-distant future, we envision mobile inspections will be ubiquitous, enabling real-time sharing of results and providing valuable inspection management software tools. This development will make workplaces safer and help companies make more money, and so we’ve developed The Checker Mobile cloud-based service to help companies gain these advantages.

Equipment inspection checklist books aren't going anywhere.But that doesn’t at all mean that we think paper-based inspections will become a thing of the past—at least not anytime soon.

When Mobile is Impractical

One of the great advantages of mobile inspections (and safety audits, risk assessments, etc.) is that they allow for instant communication of the results. But, of course, this can only occur if there’s an internet connection—and that’s not always feasible in remote locations and in work environments that aren’t conducive to good connectivity.

Mobile devices are also expensive—much more expensive than a pen for filling out paper inspection checklists! For many companies, making the upfront investment in mobile devices for all the personnel who conduct inspections is not doable—even if the company realizes the long-term savings possible.

In addition, many industries (e.g., mining, heavy metal) involve work environments where mobile devices could easily become damaged. In such cases, paper will make sense because it poses such a lower level of financial risk.

Cultural and competency issues are also present in many companies and industries. In these cases, a significant numbers of personnel aren’t computer-savvy and are likely to resent, and resist, doing inspections on mobile computing devices.

This problem should diminish as older personnel—who began their careers before the internet age—leave the workforce. But for now, it’s still a legitimate concern for businesses considering switching from paper inspection forms to mobile inspections.

Paper as a Bridge to Mobile

In a way, we’re getting ahead of ourselves in talking about switching from paper to mobile inspections. Many companies aren’t even using paper yet! In other words, they don’t have any type of formal internal inspection program in place.

In such cases, when companies finally realize that it’s smart business to have a strong, self-enforced inspection program, it’s often prudent for them to begin with paper inspection checklist books rather than jumping right in with a costly investment in mobile devices.

Paper with Mobile

Some companies, as they move to mobile inspections, will begin with only a partial move. If expense or cultural resistance is an issue among personnel in the field, management and safety leaders can nonetheless take advantage of software management tools, as well as electronic forms for the inspections, audits, or assessments they do.

In such cases, paper inspection checklists are still a vital part of the process, and The Checker will be the place to get them!


Mobile is the wave of the future in commercial inspection processes—and The Checker Mobile has us on the cutting edge of this inevitable move toward mobile inspections. But we’re never going to leave any of our customers behind.

The need for paper inspections will continue as long as we can foresee. And as long as that need is there, The Checker’s paper inspection checklist books will also be there! 

Tags: inspection checklists, mobile inspections, inspection management


Learn how inspections can increase productivity, reduce costs, and improve safety in a systematic way that can be sustained as a competitive advantage.
