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Enhancing Safety with Toolbox Talks

Toolbox talks offer workers a powerful opportunity to engage in safety discussions actively. Unlike lengthy training sessions that may occur infrequently, these short meetings happen more regularly...
2 min read

Topics: Toolbox Talks

The Hidden Value of Workplace Inspections in Safety

Workplace safety is a critical concern for small and medium-sized businesses, but the humble inspection is often overlooked in the safety ecosystem. Inspections serve as the guardian angels of the...
3 min read

Topics: inspection best practices

Enhancing Powerline Inspections with The Checker Software

Powerline inspection is critical in ensuring the safety of power lines and those who rely on them for electricity. Detecting faults early is paramount to prevent potential hazards and outages....
2 min read

Topics: workplace safety, inspection software, audit/inspection software

How To Find The Best Toolbox Talk Subjects

Toolbox talks are a crucial part of any workplace's safety program, serving as a platform for discussing safety issues, sharing information, and reinforcing the importance of working safely. Many...
2 min read

Topics: Toolbox Talks

Practical Tips for Training Inexperienced Crane & Hoist Operators

Training inexperienced crane and hoist operators can be challenging. These heavy machinery require precise skills and a deep understanding of safety protocols. However, operators can become...
2 min read

Topics: equipment maintenance, asset management

The Ultimate Work-from-Home Safety Checklist

How we work has transformed dramatically in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. With remote work becoming a new norm, our homes have become our offices. While the convenience of working from home is...
2 min read

Topics: inspection basics, inspection best practices

The Importance of Toolbox Talks for Safety in the Workplace

Safety in the workplace is of paramount importance. Many organizations have conducted toolbox talks to ensure that employees remain vigilant and informed about safety protocols. These brief, focused...
3 min read

Topics: Toolbox Talks

Safety Check-Ins for Lone Workers: Protecting Those Who Work Alone

With the rise of remote work, freelancing, and gig economy jobs, more and more people find themselves working alone. These individuals, often called lone workers, face unique challenges and hazards...
3 min read

Topics: mobile inspections, inspection best practices

Understanding Method Statements

Method statements are crucial to workplace safety, particularly in industries where hazardous or non-routine tasks are daily routines. These documents play a vital role in ensuring the safety and...
3 min read

Topics: inspection best practices

Using Inspections to Protect the Public: Safeguarding Workers and Communities

Employers' Dual Duty: Safeguarding Employees and the Public Employers are entrusted with the vital responsibility of ensuring a secure working environment for their employees to fulfill legal...
2 min read

Topics: inspection best practices


Learn how inspections can increase productivity, reduce costs, and improve safety in a systematic way that can be sustained as a competitive advantage.
