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Study Shows Relationship Between H&S and Financial Success

An interesting study from 2018 came to our attention recently. The findings still apply today, and they show what we’ve long known at The Checker—that strong health and safety programs protect both...
2 min read

Topics: why inspect?, safety management, safety awareness, workplace safety, inspection management, inspections and profitability

How Inspection Checklists Help Identify Safety Scofflaws

Although many companies screen prospective employees for their attitude toward safety, provide adequate safety training, and offer rewards for safety performance, some employees will inevitably take...
2 min read

Topics: why inspect?, safety management, safety awareness, inspection checklists, workplace safety, inspection basics, inspection management, inspection best practices, inspections and profitability

The Power of Safety Champions

Safety champions are crucial for engaging all employees in improving workplace safety and creating a safety culture. Here are some traits of workplace safety champions.
2 min read

Topics: safety management, safety awareness, workplace safety, inspections and profitability

How to Develop a Plan for Effective Workplace Inspections

Investing in workplace inspections is money well spent, By providing a detailed and critical examination of the workplace, inspections help to identify hazards for corrective actions that reduce...
2 min read

Topics: inspection checklists, inspection basics, inspection management, inspection best practices, inspections and profitability

Company Leaders Set the Tone for Safety Best Practices

Company personnel follow the example of their leader. Attitudes are contagious, so it is of utmost importance that leaders have the right attitude.
2 min read

Topics: safety management, workplace safety, inspection basics, inspection best practices, inspections and profitability

Six Reasons Vehicle Inspections Benefit the Bottom Line

Every company should take road safety seriously and employ different methods to ensure that their drivers can reach their destination safely. Daily vehicle pre-use checks shouldn’t be performed just...
2 min read

Topics: why inspect?, safety management, inspection management, inspections and profitability, vehicle safety

6 Reasons Checklists Are Effective Business Tools

Want to find a better way to organize your tasks and to verify your most-important ones? Do you have too many repetitive tasks to complete every day?
2 min read

Topics: safety management, inspection checklists, inspections and profitability, audit/inspection software

The Importance of Avoiding and Reporting Near Misses

What is a near miss? We can define it as an unplanned event that didn’t result in damage, illness, injury, or fatality but had the potential to do so. Although near misses don’t cause harm, they can...
2 min read

Topics: safety management, workplace safety, inspections and profitability, risk assessments

Why Does Leadership Sometimes Undermine Safety to Expedite Projects?

To expedite projects, executives, managers, and supervisors sometimes give safety procedures and protocols the lowest priority. Some even go as far as disregarding them completely. Why?
2 min read

Topics: safety management, workplace safety, inspection software, inspection management, inspections and profitability, audit software, audit/inspection software

The Relationship Between Compensation and Safety Adherence

2 min read

Topics: safety management, OSHA, inspection management, inspections and profitability, risk assessments, safety audits, audit software, audit/inspection software


Learn how inspections can increase productivity, reduce costs, and improve safety in a systematic way that can be sustained as a competitive advantage.
