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What are the risks of injury for employees working from home?

In September 2020, the percentage of the Canadian workforce working from home had continued edging down, from 26.4% in August to 25.6%. This means that a quarter of all working Canadians are still...
3 min read

Topics: take safety home

The Top Causes of Workplace Injuries and Fatalities

No matter where you work, there is always a chance of getting injured in the workplace. Every year, workers get injured or become ill, and they may even experience life-threatening conditions. These...
3 min read

Topics: why inspect?, safety awareness, workplace safety, OSHA, inspection software, take safety home, audit/inspection software, PPE

Simple but Powerful: Checklists Get the Job Done

Checklists are a necessary part of most professional and personal activities. They may seem simple, so they are easily overlooked, especially by seasoned professionals. It’s sometimes hard for us to...
2 min read

Topics: why inspect?, safety management, checklist design, inspection management, inspection best practices, take safety home, equipment maintenance, equipment safety, asset management

Sleepiness Isn’t Safe

It’s not surprising that sleepiness can make you less effective at work. Besides the emotional effect, sleep deprivation can hurt cognitive abilities such as perception, reaction time, judgment, and...
2 min read

Topics: safety management, safety awareness, workplace safety, take safety home

Don’t Forget the Milk!

There’s no denying that checklists are considered a universal tool in life. That’s true in business, just as it is on our personal life. Most successful leaders use checklists of some sort to keep...
2 min read

Topics: checklist design, take safety home, inspection forms

Don’t Play Around with Carbon Monoxide—It Can Ruin Your Fun

I work with businesses to help them improve safety, so I’m well aware that carbon monoxide is a hazard in many workplaces.
3 min read

Topics: safety awareness, take safety home

Seven Tips for Taking Safety on Vacation

We recently blogged about the National Safety Council’s efforts in the U.S. to get people to “take safety home” when they leave the workplace. But it’s summertime, and a lot of people are enjoying...
3 min read

Topics: why inspect?, take safety home


Learn how inspections can increase productivity, reduce costs, and improve safety in a systematic way that can be sustained as a competitive advantage.
